Formula One Indian Grand Prix axed for 2014
The Indian GP for 2014 has been cancelled as confirmed by F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone but it will return in 2015.
The F1 race in 2015 is expected to be held in the first half of year.
“When we signed the five-year deal with Jaypee, we were keen on going to India in the first half and Jaypee wanted it to be in October. We gave in at that time, but now it looks we will have the race early 2015,” Ecclestone, 82, told IANS.
He further said that as it will be impossible for the organizers to hold two races within six months so 2014 GP will not take place.
The organizers need to give $40 million for every race as licensing fees in India and it would had been too much burden on them if another race was to be held within six months.
Race organizers Jaypee Sports International(JSPI) would have preferred the race in October as it is a festive season in India but will reschedule the race if needed.
If 2015 GP is held in the first half of year then it will take place along with other Asian nations Bahrain,China and Malaysia.
India is a growing market in terms of motor sport and F1 teams are keen to take advantage of this situation. After the inaugural Indian GP, Formula One has created a buzz especially among the youngsters and the fan base has grown considerably.
However, there are various reasons that could have resulted in this reschedule. It is believed that three new races Russia, Austria and New Jersey are to be inducted in the F1 Calendar. This will increase the total number of races to 22 and F1 teams do not want more than 20 races in the calendar.
It might be possible that to adjust these races in 2014 season, Indian GP has been rescheduled.
According to some rumours, there might be some ‘political’ reasons associated with it. Reportedly, some teams are not particularly happy with the red-tapism and taxation policy of India.
Whatever be the reason, Indian F1 enthusiasts will not be too happy with this decision.
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